12 Months of Sharing

Each day, many local families struggle with regular household needs that include everyday meals and hygiene. The money’s too tight, they’re out of work or have medical bills that have taxed their income.

Here’s some ways we can “Out-Love the World” by sharing what we have, or can purchase for others. Simply drop your items off in the bins located in our lobby, next time you’re at church.

For E-town Community Cupboard:

  1. January- Pasta, Pasta Sauces

  2. February- Soups, Crackers

  3. March- Canned Meats, Instant Potatoes

  4. April- Canned fruits, Canned Vegetables

  5. May- Cereals, Oatmeal, Pancake/Waffle Mix

  6. June- Peanut Butter, Jellies

  7. July- Tissues, Toilet Paper Toiletries

  8. August- Paper Towels, Laundry Needs

  9. September- Soups, Crackers

  10. October- Pasta, Pasta Sauces

  11. November- Canned Meats, Instant Potatoes

  12. December- Anything Non-Perishable on Sale

For Mission Central Hub Kits:

  1. January- Hand Towels

  2. February- Wash Cloths

  3. March- Standard Band-Aids

  4. April- Soap (Not Ivory)

  5. May- Individual Toothbrushes

  6. June- Nail Clippers

  7. July- Hand Towels

  8. August- Wash Cloths

  9. September- Deodorant, Body Wash

  10. October- Shampoo, Conditioner

  11. November- Shampoo, Conditioner

  12. December- Soap (Not Ivory)